New Kid On The Blog: What It Feels Like When Somebody Likes Your Post

Hello again!!! A very excited and humbled me here. If you’re reading this, just know that I’ve seen you on my stats page, seen your little flag and have imagined who you might be and what you thought of my posts! You are very wanted here and in my books we’re already friends.


(this is what I look like watching my stats page and making friends)

Today’s post is as spontaneous as they get. Let me tell you a lil’ backstory…

If you are, by any chance, not only my friend but also my stalker, you will know that my first ever post appeared exactly a week ago, on a Wednesday. Since then I wrote a few posts, have been learning a million things a day about blogging and tweeting, such as the timing of your posts is crucial??? Some people follow you, you follow back, then they unfollow you??? But why??? 😥

pet dogs pictures 5

But most importantly, some of the kindest, most generous, supportive people live in the new bloggers section of twitter.


When I got home from work this afternoon, opened my twitter for an absent-minded scroll and saw a couple notifications, I was expecting maybe a few follows by the somehow-verified-turkish-media-news-magazine accounts whom I frequently encounter on the Blog Follow Train. After all – everyone is welcome!

But instead, I found this:


After reading it a few times, I thought oh dear, poor girl, she’s @’ed me by mistake oops much awkward slight embarrass


But then I thought a bit more and decided that this girl is way too cool and her account is too well put-together to make a slip-up like that. IT WAS ABOUT ME! SOMEONE READ MY LITTLE POSTS AND ENJOYED THEM AND IS TELLING THEIR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM!!!



If you also write, you will know how much every interaction means to a blogger/tweeter/person. It’s a very unique way to have a conversation – we do most of the work by putting our thoughts together in an accessible way and fingers crossed hope that someone out there will join in with the conversation and thus complete it. So for somebody you’ve never met to go out of their way to say such nice things about you is the BEST THING you could ever hope for.


A Very Very Warm Thank You, Michele, From Me And Boromir


Thank you for showing me that there are people reading, and some enjoying, these posts! It inspired me to write a real-time reaction to such news and I vow to do the same for other bloggers to spread the love! (and to get the ring to Mordor obvs!)

Michele’s Twitter

Michele’s Blog

Lots of love,




6 thoughts on “New Kid On The Blog: What It Feels Like When Somebody Likes Your Post

  1. Michele says:

    Hey, girl!

    Thanks so much for linking my blogpost! Like I said, I really enjoy reading your blog! I just wanted to come here and let you know that this mention of my blog also made my day. Blogging is a weird and lonely hobby, you write stuff down and you publish it without knowing who is it going to reach – I’m glad my posts are reaching people like you! 🙂

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